Star Rating tools online

Online free star rating snippet tools for blogger and wordpress sites, include the total rating, rating value, product , description etc.. These script generate base on the online tutorial, and test using Structured Data testing tool by google

Table of contents
Star rating and Products schema - snippet
Sitelinks - Searchbox snippet schema
Social media widgets
Sample Schema json-ld codes

Star rating and Products schema - snippet



1) Goto tools and fill up the following information needed.

2) Make sure all form is complete fill-up and the input you enter same to the post where you insert the codes, click the 'Get Codes' button.

3) Copy the generated codes, and paste to your blog post or html files and save.

4) Done. Don't forgot to check your blog post/html files, if star rating is visible.

Video tutorial

» Rich Results Test
» Structured data testing tools

» Technical guidelines
» Webmaster guidelines
» General structured data guidelines

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Star rating schema? (Review Snippet)

A review snippet is a short excerpt of a review or a rating from a review website, usually an average of the combined rating scores from many reviewers. When Google finds valid reviews or ratings markup, You can find Google's documentation here.

What is Product schema?

Is a structure data of your product, wich will publish in search engine results. This helps search engines to offer more information of your product to publish on SERP for best user experienceYou can find Google's documentation here.

Is this online tools is free?

These Online star rating tools is totally free, no monthly fee, no registration, but if you want to support this online tools, you can send your donation to support this site, any amount accept, click the about to learn more.

How to set-up star rating & Product schema on blogger?

First visit our tutorial on how to generate star rating and products codes, next goto your blogger account click add new post or edit post, second change into code editor and paste your generate codes using our tools and save.

Is these rating & product schema visible on google search engine?

If you complete fill-up all the form and not removing the important information that generate in this site, is yes its work, but sometimes it take many days, week or months before the search engine result data change, here the sample result Magic traffic bot android

Can i use these code to my plain html or php code?

Yes, Because the code generate base on json-ld codes, good for all platform like plain html files, php etc..

How to remove star rating and products schema in my blogs?

The only way to remove star rating and products to your blogs is removing all the codes that generate using this tool manually.

ABOUT THESE TOOLS is blogs that can generate star rating snippets for blogger, wordpres, php , html sites etc. these online tools is free and safe, the code generate on this blog base on google search console and tested to my other blogs.

Other account:

Facebook page
Youtube channel


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Contact info:

If you have a problem or suggestions regarding these website, please send your message on this email address

Social media widgets

Facebook page widget for blogger, wordpress, plain html etc. like and share buttons small.

Facebook page widget for blogger with post content total likes using iframe codes.

Youtube channel widget subscibe button for blogger and wordress sites.

NOTE: THIS TOOL BASE ON Google youtube button, in these blog is a sample only.

Example Results [Due problem embeding the input result, we put our example youtube channel for the sample output]

Schema/Snippet sample codes:
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